7 Common Project Management Issues

How to Solve Most Common Project Management Issues! Project management benefits an organization in numerous ways as it equips professionals with a systematic approach to manage and control different kinds of projects and different kinds of changes. It will really be critical once an issue arises when managing your projects. Here are 7 common Project Management Issues:
  • Your Client Gives You Vague, Ever-changing Requirements
  • Your Client is Slow with Communication
  • The Project Doesn’t Start On Time
  • You Try to Manage Every Project the Same Way
  • The Client Doesn’t Like What You Created
  • Your Point of Contact Doesn’t Seem to Care About Your Project
  • Too Much Time is Spent Solving Problems After Projects Are “Live”
Location: Dubai Venue: Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel, Dubai Date: Friday, May 11 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Seminar Topics:
  • Agile and Iterative Practices
  • Role of Project Manager
  • Project Schedule Management
  • Project Resource Management
  • Quality Management
  • Team Management
  • Monitor Communications
  • Risk Control
How to Solve Most Common Project Management Issues  
