Be A Certified Purchase Professional

Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) and Certified Purchasing Professional Manager (CPPM) qualifications are the most prestigious and industry-recognized certifications. The American Purchasing Society (APS) awarded these certifications. The APS was the first organization to establish such certifications for purchasing professionals and buyers. These highly recognized certifications symbolize accomplishment and knowledge. They also demonstrate to employers that the candidate possesses a solid foundation of education and experience in purchasing and supply chain management. As a result, it can positively affect the organization’s bottom-line results.

Purchasing - Now and Then
Initially global sourcing emerged as a reactive approach for decreasing production expenses and neutralizing the threat of foreign competition. However, today things have changed. Global sourcing efforts have become a proactive strategy which seeks a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, purchasing professionals and managers now have to explore the best practices in global sourcing to enhance their firm’s competitiveness. To do this, they need a keen understanding of procurement and sourcing at a strategic level. Taking up a well-recognized training and certification course imparts them with this.
CPP and CPPM Certification Programs
CPP and CPPM are the most sought-after purchasing certifications which enable you to apply the latest purchasing practices into your organization. It also validates your standing in the world of purchasing. These are two successive certification courses. The CPP certification program is a foundational course for all purchasing professionals who require the right skillsets and credentials to make a career in purchasing. CPPM is an advanced course designed to sharpen the skills of purchasing managers. It also provides them with an insight into their industry’s challenges.
CPP and CPPM Benefits
These certification courses widen the knowledge, understanding and skills of the candidates in the field of purchasing; make them highly esteemed by their employees and colleagues; open to them a world of new opportunities; increase their salaries; and make them highly useful for their organizations. Blue Ocean Academy is one of the leading academics in the UAE who has tied up with the American Purchasing Society to bring these international certification opportunities to interested candidates. Built on a reputed 18 years of training, a global network of certified trainers, multinational partners, and prestigious international certifications. Also, with 50,000 alumni worldwide, Blue Ocean Academy is your best choice to get world-class training for these certifications. The academy brings to its classrooms a wide range of highly qualified industry experts to impart knowledge via real life case studies. The candidates are sure to enjoy a joyful learning experience here. Thus, the candidates will be trained by the academy and certified by the APS. We encourage interested candidates to get enrolled with the Blue Ocean Academy to avail world-class training for the CPP and CPPM certifications from the APS. Register today for Certified Purchasing Professional CPP training and certification