Course Introduction:

This corporate course is structured to help individuals and organizations improve workplace interactions, communication, and overall performance with the help of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Emotional Intelligence is a necessary skill in today’s corporate world, as it improves self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, and leadership skills. The program provides a comprehensive understanding of EI and practical strategies that will help individuals effectively apply EI in their work sphere.

Course Objective

  • Enhance your understanding of different aspects of human behaviour
  • Understand the significance and impact of EI in the workplace
  • Become capable of analyzing and understanding one’s own emotions, strengths and weaknesses
  • Learn to think from the perspective of others
  • Gain skills in building and maintaining positive relationships in workplace to enhance open communication among colleagues

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Understanding Emotional Intelligence
  • Module 2: Importance of Social Awareness
  • Module 3: Enhanced Skills in Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  • Module 4: Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Module 5: Effective Application of EI in Workplace