Career Benefits of HR Certification

In today’s highly competitive world of business, an HR certification can boost your career in many ways. As per the 2008 Value Certification Survey of the HR Certification Institute, one out of every two hiring managers favors certified candidates for the job. Furthermore, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that by 2024, the demand for human resources professionals will increase by 9%. With such a growing competition for this job, certified HR professionals will stand out from the crowd. Prominent HR certifications include CHRP/CHRM (Certified Human Resource Professional/Certified Human Resource Manager) from the American Certification Institute, USA.

The evolving HR field

Earlier, the HR role was restricted to administrative duties alone. But today things have changed. Still, HR professionals are responsible for carrying out those traditional tasks including screening candidates and replying to questions regarding benefits, but they are also assigned many other roles, including high-level planning, shaping key policies, consulting with executives to come up with strategic direction, and many more.

Career Benefits of HR Certification

Getting certified in one of the recognized HR certification programs often makes a world of difference in your career. In general, with your certification, you are recognized as an esteemed human resources professional, and are considered for higher level positions. This valuable credential distinguishes you as an HR expert from the crowd of HR professionals out there. The Human Resources Certification Institute lists several other reasons based on its Value of Certification Survey.

  • Hiring managers favor certified HR candidates while making hiring decisions

  • Business colleagues trust certified HR professionals more than their non-certified counterparts.

  • By hiring certified HR professionals, some organizations believe that they gain a competitive advantage

  • Certified HR professionals are knowledgeable and better motivated than their non-certified colleagues.

  • Certified HR professionals can make a positive impact on the financial performance of their organization.

HR Certification - Personal and Professional benefits

HR certification is a career-long commitment that demonstrates your drive towards success for your employer and colleagues.

  • A prestigious HR certification helps you stand out from the crowd.

  • Helps enhance your professional satisfaction and confidence.

  • Increase your earnings potential.

  • Makes your organization to esteem you highly.

  • Improve career advancement opportunities within your organization.

  • Makes you a better candidate for a better job outside of your organization.

  • Strengthens your resume.

  • Helps you play your HR role more efficiently.

The evolving challenges faced in the field of human resources can bring big opportunities to those with the right training and credentials. We encourage candidates to take up the CHRP Training  and CHRM Certification programs from the Blue Ocean Academy and reap the benefits in their career, personal and professional lives!

Register today for Human Resource Management certification and  training visit:
