Top Benefits of Becoming a Certified Purchasing Professional

Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) is a three-week certification and training program which aids candidates understand the basics of procurement, international sourcing, and risk management. Designed and offered by the American Purchasing Society (APS), USA, this foundation course is ideal for supply chain and procurement professionals employed in any industry in the procurement field. Purchasing agents, experienced buyers and purchasing managers who take up this course would enjoy the below discussed benefits. Imparts knowledge and skills Taking up the CPP training program imparts candidates with good knowledge on concepts including general purchasing, quality logistics, accounting, negotiating, terms and conditions, cost price, certification, policies and procedures, essential laws for buyers and sellers, drafting, math for buyers and sellers, business ethics, and inventory management. They will acquire skills pertaining to various levels of purchasing activities. Validates one’s Knowledge Organizations need proof regarding the reliability, professional dedication and training of their supply chain and purchasing professionals. The APS CPP designation declares and validates one’s newly acquired qualification, skill-sets, and training to his/her employees- both current and future. Further, a professionals commitment to improve himself/herself and contribute to his/her company’s growth is demonstrated. Aids career upliftment The CPP certified candidates get to climb their career ladder. They will be eligible for professional jobs like directors of purchasing, senior buyers, purchasing managers, purchasing agents, etc. Thus the certification entitles you to a career upliftment. Gains you higher pays Usually certifications give candidates a competitive edge over their uncertified colleagues. Studies show that certified professionals earn higher pays. A survey conducted nationwide by APS revealed that those with CPP certification averagely earned 23.4% higher than ordinary uncertified supply chain and purchasing professionals. Guarantees personal improvement Upon the successful completion of the CPP program, a noticeable degree of improvement is experienced in the candidates in their levels of in personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride, as an outcome of the certification. This reflects as improved performance in their work. Grants a professional designation Those successfully getting CPP certified are entitled to use either the initials or the full form of the certification after their names on their email signatures, business cards, stationeries, letter pads, etc. This gives them a professional appearance Since the above discussed lucrative benefits are available to CPP certified professionals, candidates who are involved in materials management and purchasing encouraged to get enrolled in the course. The prerequisite for this certification is a minimum of three years business experience or two years of business experience plus a degree.

Register today for certified purchasing professional and CPP certification and  training
