Why you should learn train the trainer course

Why you should learn train the trainer course

Train the trainer, the term sounds interesting, isn’t it? So, the first and the most important question is: does the trainer requires training? The answer is an obvious ‘yes’. Everyone needs the training to excel in what he/she does. The aim of Train the Trainer course is to enable training specialists to deliver effective training sessions to the audience.

The new trainers will get equipped with the critical training skills and the experienced ones can learn the innovative methods of training to make the process more lively and interactive. As training is indispensable for maintaining higher levels of performance among the employees, organizations need to have trainers who can make the new employees acquainted with all aspects of the field.

Let's understand the basics of train the trainer course and who should go for it.

5 elements of effective training

Training isn’t an easy task as even the subject matter experts may fail to convey their idea to an audience. So, what are the elements of effective training?

  1. Clear, concise language

The most essential skill that a trainer requires is clarity in language. A trainer can be successful when he/she can enable a mediocre student to excel in a specific program. A major challenge that a trainer faces is that a classroom comprises of students with varied abilities and grasping power.

So, the content should be prepared in a way that everyone can understand. Ideally, the trainer should keep the average students in mind while preparing the training content. Clarity and brevity are the qualities to be achieved instead of a complex and hard-to-understand text or lecture.

2. Multimedia content

No two students learn the same way. A trainer should use a variety of ways to make learning as interactive as possible. While someone can pick up an idea the moment it is said, another student will need a visual to understand it fully. Thus, multimedia content should replace plain text.

3. Active discussion

Learning is no more a unidirectional process as considered earlier. The students must be encouraged to ask questions and clear their doubts. Learning is more fruitful when it is an active discussion wherein every student is a contributor. Discussion is also a great way in which the trainer can understand how well he/she is able to convey the idea to the audience.

4. Continuity

Learning is a dynamic and continuing process. Usually, trainers believe that their responsibility is finished once a student has completed the training and leaves the institute which is not the case. On-going support is essential to help them apply their knowledge in real-life situations. An ideal trainer must remain a point of contact for the students whenever they find a difficulty in executing the ideas which they acquiring from the training.

5. Flexibility

There is no one right way of teaching.  Every student is different and hence, the trainers will have to adopt new training methodologies as per the changing needs. As new technologies come up every now and then, they should also be able to incorporate them into training. So, being flexible is the key to effective training.

A method that worked well for a specific audience might not work for another group. They need to conduct consistent research, monitor the students and work accordingly.

Train the trainer model

Train the trainer model is a method in which a subject matter expert trains a group of employees on a specific topic and simultaneously teach them how to train other colleagues on the same. In this way, the employees will acquire sound knowledge on the topic at hand as well as understand how to share their knowledge with others.

Why train the trainer course

Train the trainer program is useful for the new as well as experienced trainers who are looking for innovative and interactive methods of training. Some people in the organizations will be having in-depth subject knowledge, but they may not be able to train others in the same.

In such cases, a training program can make them understand how they can impart their knowledge to new employees. It is also helpful for the employees who are required to train others and need both subject knowledge and the principles of training.

Train the trainer course is essential in every organization regardless of the industry in which it works. It will bridge the gap between the trainer and the student by improving communication strategies and enhance the overall understanding.
